Understanding Happiness in 10 Minutes

In this highlight video, Juliana does a quick overview of the science of happiness, how it shows up in the workplace, and actionable steps to achieving happiness in your personal life.

VOCÊ S/A Is it possible to be happy at work?

Mulhher sorrindo para exemplificar o quanto é importante ser feliz no trabalho

In this article, I share insights on how to make work more meaningful and move closer to a career that brings out the best in you.In this article, I share insights on how to make work more meaningful and move closer to a career that brings out the best in you.

The impact of happiness on business

What impact does happiness really have on business? In this interview, I talk with Profissão Mundo about career challenges, the impact of happiness on business and how to be happier at work.

Future Hack – The science of happiness

Today I’m happy to share a special conversation on the #futurehacker podcast! In this conversation, I address happiness from a scientific perspective, sharing insights on self-awareness, corporate competition, and the future of work. An enriching discussion to inspire you to be happier at work. Watch now:

Pod Ser Humano – Career Transition

In this episode of Pod Ser Humano, I share my journey as an executive in global companies and my career transition to becoming a happiness scientist in the workplace. I highlighted the importance of exploring different roles, recognizing our desires, and aligning our careers with personal values and goals to build an authentic and fulfilling […]

Happiness as a driver of results

Do you consider yourself a happy person? Finding satisfaction at work is crucial, as is nurturing healthy and meaningful relationships. It’s important to remember that happiness is not a destination, but a continuous process of growth and learning. Watch now on Youtube:

Happiness as a driver of results

In this episode, I talk to Ricardo Basaglia about the science of Happiness, its impact on the workplace and strategies to make you happier.